疫情後重訪雅加達,感覺可能觀光客多了,詐騙觀光客的情況也變多了 EO].qN-8
機場進市區就中招了一次,但自己被騙,不想讓司機承擔損失,就算了 ^5;vx
)ew[ Ak|
連在市區內坐GRAB,都遇到另一位司機自己偷偷加過路費 &8]#RQy{f
請注意,是他自己偷偷加上去,GRAB APP從頭到尾沒有詢問乘客是否同意 U
下面這段路程就是單純從classic hotel附近的便利店到Holiday Inn And Suites Gajah Mada Jakarta,正常的車資大概二萬多IDR,結果司機居然自己多灌了八萬IDR進去。 ke}Y2sB
雖然GRAB回覆得很快,但實際退費一個多月,還搞烏龍退錯金額,那又是另一個故事了 4FIV
附上GRAB回覆內容供參 MjQ[^%lfL
Hi Mr/Ms. Wxxx, A-a17}fta
coF T2Pq
Thank you for submitting a complaint against the Grab service. :T7
We regret that there is an additional fee made by the driver-partner without the approval of Mr/Ms. Wxxx's so that the payment for the trip with the code A-5XSMUXNGWJAM becomes more expensive than it should be. We will make sure to follow up regarding your problem. Dh&:-
, G[r+4|h
Following up on these additional costs, We would like to inform you that we have processed the refund for the shortage on your order to your card. The amount will be reflected on your next billing cycle / 2-3 business days or up to 7 calendar days depending on your Bank's process. Below are the details of your order: }{&ln
Order code: A-5XSMUXNGWJAM qukjS#>+
Order date: June 12, 2023 &0+x2e)7g
Total cost: IDR 108.000 ,pyQP^u-
Refunded fee: IDR 80.000 QGH
Regarding driver partners who make additional fees, they will be subject to gradual sanctions starting from warnings, training, temporary inactivity, to suspension. |oe!P}u
We thank you for giving us the opportunity to make things right for you. We will follow up on this issue and guide our drivers to provide better service c Q(}^KO
&gGs) $f[
We hope that Mr/Ms. Wxxx will remain loyal to using Grab services. 7_Ba3+9jpa
Kind regards, 1
Rob YVB%
Grab Support